Thursday, September 8, 2011

A little more about AFRICA!

Some of the details are starting to come together for this trip.  I cannot believe that it's something like 74 days away (give or take a few).  The plane tickets are held, travel insurance has been purchased and paperwork is starting to flow.  

I thought I'd take some time to answer some of the questions that I often get regarding this trip. 
1. Where are you going? 
 I am going to Mali Africa.  Specifically we will be flying into the city of Bamako and spending some time there with the Long's who are a couple living there during their language study to eventually be full time international workers.  We will then go to the city of Ségou where we will meet up with the folks from Koutiala and continue on to Koutiala.

2. What are you going to do there?

Good question!  I am going there with my Pastor & his son.  We are going on what is essentially a "vision" trip to see if this would be a good location for our church to partner with and set up future trips.  Koutiala has a Women & Children's Hospital that provides a variety of services to children...and women. lol Here's a link to their website if you'd like to learn more:  We have a number of individuals in our congregation who are medical professionals who would like to go on future trips to help out at this hospital and use their skills to make a difference for the individuals who are patients there.

So what is the every day stuff I'll do while there?  I have no idea.  I'll get to know people, get to know the culture, maybe get to play with some kids and hold some hands for some sick folks and hopefully make a difference.  What I know for sure is I know deep down in my heart that I am meant to do this so I'm going to do it.  I trust that God will provide the way.

3. Why do you want to go to Africa? 
I've always wanted to go to Africa on some sort of mission/humanitarian/etc trip.  I can remember being very small and watching the commercials on tv for sponsoring children for so many cents a day and wanting to go help them.  Not to send them my money but to go there and help.  When I was in grad school I seriously considered joining the peace corp once I finished up school and had my degree.  I'm not really sure how I would use audiology in a 3rd world country but if I can figure it out, I'd like to spend some time doing that and maybe even full time.  So part of this trip for me is to see if more of a long term effort is what I should be doing.  

Since the details have started coming together for this trip I've been talking about it more to random eye doctor, my patients at work, co-workers, etc.  It is so cool to talk to people who have gone on trips like this or know people who have and what a difference it's made in their lives.  I'm always open to opportunities to challenge myself and to grow.

4. How can I help you get there?  Okay, really, people don't ask this question. lol But I want to talk about it anyway!  If you're reading this you probably know me pretty well and know that my faith is very important to me and I have a pretty strong relationship with God.  You may not believe the same thing that I do but I know that you love and support me and are willing to help if I feel deeply that this is something I am meant to do.  There are a few things that you can do to help me.  You can pray for the details and the finances to all come together.  That we'd get our visa's on time without issue and that the travel goes smoothly as well as that I will have enough days of vacation to make it there and back with some recovery time over Thanksgiving.  

As you might imagine there is a significant cost involved to go on this trip.  It is going to cost about $3000 per person with airfare, Visa's, the actual trip (food, transportation, etc), spending money, etc, etc, etc.  If you would like to support me financially you can sent me a check or go here: 

to donate via paypal.  If you'd like to send a check you can make it out to Superior CMA with Betsy Mali Trip in the memo line.  That way you can get a receipt and it is tax deductible as a charitable contribution.  Since it's going into paypal it would also be considered a charitable contribution as well, if I am understanding correctly.
Thanks for hanging in there and reading all of this.  I am SO excited for this trip and can't wait to share more as it gets closer and once we are really there and then of course when we return.  If you'd like a preview of what life is like in Mali you can check out my friend Kristen's blog:

Thank you in advance for any support that you are able to give me, prayerfully, good thoughts, financially, etc.  You cannot imagine how much it means to me!  Please email me at or call/text if you have any questions!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Schutte, sounds like fun! Here's a link to the blog of a girl I know through my blog.. anyway, she is serving a multi-year mission in Africa, and just did a trip to Mali.

    She might be a good resource for you.
